Friday - Sunday, 21 - 23 March
Step away from the stress of life and take time to look at your life with God. In the midst of the demands of normal life and daily commitments, a retreat is a wonderful opportunity to recover your balance and face the future with trust in God’s great love for you. Take time out to reflect on how to flourish as a person and a Christian. Are you happy about where you are heading? Learn how to rise to the challenges of being true to yourself and your beliefs in work and in key relationships.
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The retreat starts at 9 pm on Friday and finishes on Sunday at 5:30 pm after a cup of coffee/tea.
Each day there will be Mass, Benediction and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, three half hour sessions of guided prayer called meditations given by the priest and talks by lay people. You will also have the opportunity to go to confession and avail of spiritual direction. You can choose to attend all or only some of the activities on offer.
The retreat will include the following
The price of the retreat is €225 or €78 for students/unemployed which includes meals and accommodation.
As part of EU bank security, you will be asked for verification when making any payment online. For this you will need your mobile phone to verify payment when you have inputted your credit card details.
If you are having trouble booking online, you are welcome to:
a) Email us directly with your request for booking. E: or call Anne at 087 2502227. You can then pay on your arrival to Lismullin.
b) Alternatively, you can make a bank transfer to -
Account Name: Fiuntas Centres CLG / Lismullin Conference Centre
Address: Lismullin, Navan, Co Meath. C15 XW40
IBAN: IE06 AIBK 9321 8334 3401 69
However, our policy is that no one should be discouraged from attending because of difficulty in paying. If you are unable to pay the full cost, it is sufficient to pay whatever you are able. We are very grateful to those who contribute over and above the cost of the retreat so as to help us continue this policy. You can donate here.
To contact someone during activities